Do you have trouble remembering when Slack Water is, and what time tidal streams are fastest in either direction?
If the answer is yes, you are going to love our brand new Tide Calculator, from just £10! Simply turn the wheel to align High Tide with the black arrow and it will tell you everything you need to know about the tides and streams for the day, essential knowledge to increase your safety and performance.
The Tide Calculator is the first product in our ‘digital downloads’ collection, designed as our environmentally friendly alternative that allows you to enjoy Tidal Compass designs at a fraction of the cost, by printing them off yourself. In addition to saving money, you will be helping save the environment by reducing emissions from postage and packaging. Simply download the model, print it off, cut out the templates and pin/stick/glue them together. Once assembled, line up the time of high tide with the black arrow to see the times of Slack Water and when streams are flowing fastest in either direction.

Once assembled, line up the time of high tide with the black arrow to see the times of Slack Water and when streams are flowing fastest in either direction.
With this knowledge you’ll be well equipped to plan your adventures to #SeasThePower, harnessing the ocean's energy to travel faster and further along the coast, while expending less of your own valuable energy. If kayaking or paddleboarding, the calculator will help you plan the perfect return trip, timing the currents to take you along the coast and then back to where you started. If you’re diving or swimming and need the streams to be slowest in either direction, the easy-to-use Tide Calculator will quickly show you the optimum time of Slack Water. Whatever your plan is, this exciting new design will help you prepare.